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SCEJA、「PlayStation 4 First Limited Pack」を数量限定発売

「PlayStation(R)4 First Limited Pack」
希望小売価格 41,979円(税込)/39,980円(税抜)

「PlayStation(R)4 First Limited Pack with PlayStation(R)Camera」
希望小売価格 46,179円(税込)/43,980円(税抜)



 ソニー・コンピュータエンタテインメントジャパンアジア(※1)(SCEJA)は、日本国内で「プレイステーション 4」(PS4(TM))と、PS4(TM)専用ソフトウェアタイトル「KNACK」をPlayStation(R)Store(※2)からダウンロードできるプロダクトコード、ならびに通常保証期間(メーカー保証期間)に加え1年間の延長保証(※3)をセットにした豪華な数量限定商品「PlayStation(R)4 First Limited Pack」を希望小売価格41,979円(税込)/39,980円(税抜)にて、さらにこの商品に「PlayStation(R)Camera」を同梱し、お求め安い価格で提供する数量限定商品「PlayStation(R)4 First Limited Pack with PlayStation(R)Camera」を希望小売価格46,179円(税込)/43,980円(税抜)にて、それぞれPS4(TM)の発売と同日の2014年2月22日(土)より発売いたします。「PlayStation(R)4 First Limited Pack」および「PlayStation(R)4 First Limited Pack with PlayStation(R)Camera」は、PS4(TM)の発売をお待ちいただいている日本にお住まいのユーザーの皆様だけにご提供するスペシャルパックです。

 「KNACK」は、PS4(TM)で生まれたニューヒーロー「ナック」が70cmから10mまでダイナミックにサイズを変えて冒険を繰り広げるアクションゲームです。数々の名作ゲームを手掛けたゲームデザイナーであり、PS4(TM)のリードシステムアーキテクトでもあるマーク・サーニーと、SCEワールドワイド・スタジオ ジャパンスタジオの強力タッグが送る、これまでにない壮大な冒険活劇は、すべてのゲームユーザーにPS4(TM)の可能性を存分に体感いただける作品です。日本のユーザーの皆様に「KNACK」を通じてPS4(TM)の創り出す表現力豊かで没入感のある新しいゲーム体験をお届けすべくこのソフトウェアタイトルをセットにいたしました。


 また、「PlayStation(R)4 First Limited Pack with PlayStation(R)Camera」は、「PlayStation(R)4 First Limited Pack」に「PlayStation(R)Camera」を同梱し、お求めやすい価格を実現した商品です。「PlayStation(R)Camera」を同梱することで、ユーザーの皆様は、「PlayStation(R)Camera」対応タイトルはもちろんのこと、すべてのPS4(TM)にインストールされる『THE PLAYROOM』のすべてのコンテンツをすぐにプレイすることが可能になるなど、PS4(TM)のゲームプレイをさらに快適に、そして存分にお楽しみいただけます。



 ※1 株式会社ソニー・コンピュータエンタテインメントのディビジョンカンパニーとして日本国内およびアジア地域向けのビジネスを担当。
 ※2 PlayStation(R)Storeは、「プレイステーション 4」や「プレイステーション・ヴィータ」などでお楽しみいただけるコンテンツを提供するオンラインサービスです。ご利用いただくにはインターネットへの接続と、Sony Entertainment Networkアカウントが必要です。また、本商品に同梱される「KNACK」のダウンロード有効期限は2015年3月31日までです。
 ※3 延長保証期間内での保証内容は正常な使用状態(取扱説明書などの注意書きに従った使用状態)で故障した場合は、当社にて無料で交換または修理します。但し、延長保証期間中の修理は2回または修理不能と判断した場合の交換は1回までとし、その時点で終了となります。
 ※4 予約受付開始時期および予約方法に関しましては、PS4(TM)取扱店様へお問い合わせください。


 ※「KNACK」著作権 cSony Computer Entertainment Inc. 


次世代コンピュータエンタテインメントシステム 「プレイステーション4」

 また、PS4(TM)本体にPlayStation(R)Cameraを同梱した「プレイステーション4 PlayStation(R)Camera同梱版」を同日より46,179円(税込)/43,980円(税抜)で発売いたします。(※2)

 PS4(TM)は、高い描写力と処理性能、様々なソーシャルとの融合、そして「プレイステーション ヴィータ」や様々なモバイル端末との連携を実現し、ユーザーの皆様の“最高の遊び場”として、いままでにない新しいゲーム体験をお楽しみいただけます。表現力豊かで没入感のあるゲーム体験、お好みのアプリケーションや各種サービスを通じて、ユーザーの皆様に、「プレイステーション」ならではの豊かなエンタテインメントを提供いたします。
 PS4(TM)本体の発売と同時にソフトウェアメーカー各社様およびSCEワールドワイド・スタジオ(SCE WWS)から19ソフトウェアタイトルが日本国内向けに発売されます。また、これらのタイトルに加え、現在23を超える各種タイトルの制作が進行しているほか、インディーズ(独立系)をはじめとした幅広いゲーム開発者様からもご賛同いただき、合計51以上のタイトルが順次日本向けに提供されます。(※3)

 さらに、PS4(TM)本体色 ジェット・ブラックと同色の、PS4(TM)専用ワイヤレスコントローラー(DUALSHOCK(R)4)およびDUALSHOCK(R)4のカラーバリエーション「マグマ・レッド」、「ウェイブ・ブルー」を、PS4(TM)本体と同時に希望小売価格6,279円(税込)/5,980円(税抜)にて発売いたします。ユーザーの皆様は、これら3色からお好みの色のコントローラーで、PS4(TM)のゲームプレイやエンタテインメントをお楽しみいただけます。また、PS4(TM)専用周辺機器として「PlayStation(R)Camera」(希望小売価格 6,279円(税込)/5,980円(税抜))、「DUALSHOCK(R)4 充電スタンド」(希望小売価格 2,604円(税込)/2,480円(税抜))、「縦置きスタンド」(希望小売価格 2,394円(税込)/2,280円(税抜))も本体と同時に発売いたします。



 ※2:初回限定商品「PlayStation(R)4 First Limited Pack」および「PlayStation(R)4 First Limited Pack with PlayStation(R)Camera」の出荷完了後、順次
出荷開始いたします。「PlayStation(R)4 First Limited Pack」および「PlayStation(R)4 First Limited Pack with PlayStation(R)Camera」の詳細は、別途発表した弊社プレスリリースをご参照ください。


 ※”Blu-ray Disc(TM)”および”Blu-ray(TM)”はブルーレイディスクアソシエーションの商標です。

Could Your Asphalt Pavement Sealer be Causing a Health Risk Discussed in New Online Video

PEORIA, Ariz. -- Today, the IAQ Video Network and Cochrane & Associates announced the release of another online video to help educate people about issues that may impact their health.  Their latest educational video discusses how some pavement sealers could be creating environmental concerns and health risks.

Pavement sealers are often made up of a mixture of sand, clay, polymers, water and either asphalt or coal tar.  Pavement sealers that contain coal tar have come under increased scrutiny in recent years due to concerns over the presence of high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, commonly referred to as PAHs.  PAHs are found naturally in the environment, but they can also be man-made. They can be created when products like coal, oil, gas, and garbage are burned when the burning process is not complete.

“When asphalt sealants made from coal tar are used to seal driveways and parking lots, it can break off into small particles and dust due to vehicles driving on it and other activities,”
reported Paul Cochrane, President of Cochrane and Associates, the company behind the IAQ Video Network and the new public outreach video.   “Not only can these materials then be washed off into the environment and our waterways, but they can also be tracked into homes, schools and other buildings.”  

Some PAHs have been identified as having carcinogenic and mutagenic properties.  As of 2013, both Minnesota and Washington have banned pavement sealers that contain coal tar.  Other states and municipalities are also reportedly looking into similar bans.  

To view this video please visit:

To view over 230 past videos that have been viewed more than 574,000 times about microbial pathogens, environmental, health & safety topics, please visit:

This educational video was sponsored by a number of organizations and leading industry professionals that help protect the public’s health. Sponsors include: EMSL Analytical, LA Testing, Mold Solutions, Clark Seif Clark, MBM Insurance Resource Center, Healthy Indoors magazine and BioCure Environmental to name a few.

To learn more, or to inquire about IAQ Video Network sponsorship opportunities and customized videos, please visit http://www.IAQTV.com or http://www.cochraneassoc.com, email info@cochraneassoc.com or call (602)510-3179.

About Cochrane & Associates, LLC & the IAQ Video Network
Cochrane & Associates is a business development, public relations and marketing consulting firm that specializes in the environmental, HVAC, mold and indoor air quality industries. The company has worked with many of the industries’ leading institutions and companies and continues to be an innovator in the industry. They are also the driving force behind the IAQ Video Network.

2013 Job Analysis Report Indicates Ontario Needs 2,500 More Osteopaths

TORONTO, Canada -- The Canadian manual osteopathy job analysis report (2013) by the Council on Manual Osteopathy Education (CMOE) indicates the province of Ontario (Canada) has a shortage of 2,500 manual osteopaths.

In 2013 there is only one osteopath per 20,000 people in the province of Ontario in Canada (0.05 osteopath per 1,000 people).

Other health professions in Ontario have more practitioners. There is one medical doctor per 500 people, one physical therapist per 1,500 people and 1 doctor of chiropractic per 3,000 people.

Ontario needs at least 2,500 more manual osteopaths to fill this shortage. Health professionals interested in working in Ontario (Canada) should consider studying osteopathy. Employment is found quickly in this profession, and osteopaths are able as well to open an osteopathic clinic of their own.

Manual osteopaths in Ontario are usually hired at the starting salary of $30 per hour and the average income for an established manual osteopaths is $90,000 per year. Over 95% of insurers in Ontario reimburse for osteopathic care if it is provided by a licensed osteopathic manual practitioner.

International Osteopathic Association urges health practitioners to enter the field of osteopathy. It is an amazing field, and the number one choice of patients with low back pain of mechanical origin, as well as being in high demand. The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) in 2012, has chosen manual osteopathy as one of the top 25 occupations in demand in Canada.

The Best Location for Surveillence Cameras

DANVILLE, Ill. -- Place Your Surveillance System in the Proper Position.

Now that you have  decided to purchase the surveillance system that fits your needs you must decide where to place the cameras to get the best quality and maximum benifit that your system has to offer. While it may seem simple to place the cameras in a position to capture the best view of what you want to view and record.
I am sure that you have seen surveillance video on television show an attacker or thief in action. The video shows every feature about the individual but their face. This is not because the quality of the system is poor but the system was not placed in a propper position.
I would like to explain how the cameras of  a standard 4 Channel Surveillance System may be placed :
Camera "A "may be placed in the main living or enteraining area where the majority of electronics are watched. Install the camera at a side angle to the equipment so that the camera will give better view of the features and discription of any home invader and a record of what they are doing.
Camera "B" you will want a direct view of a room or area opposite of the entrance show that it will give you a number of how many intruders and what they look like.
Cameras"C" and "D" in the sleeping quarters or private areas where most guest would normally not go. Position one camera at the entrance to the room and the other at any valuables that you want to protect
When the Surveillance Sysyem has been installed always test the cameras to record youreslf or someone else for a test run. This is the time you can make any adjustments to your system.
Plaese visit our web site at http://www.illinisurveillance.com to buy your surveillance needs.
Thank You.

Secuirty Guard Services in Los Angeles

SANTA CLARITA, Calif. -- Excellent security services in Los Angeles  California, like other states in the USA, is dotted with sprawling high end homes, large businesses, prominent personalities in the entertainment industry, and private and public institutions. The state and the federal governments have put up notable measures to make sure that every citizen lives securely. However, the mechanisms used by the authorities do not accord special attention to every individual or institution. That is why it is prudent to hire a private security company http://www.abaprotection.com/ that would be directly answerable to you.

While seeking out an agency for hire, one needs to consider several aspects. Among the numerous companies providing security services in Los Angeles, you should go for the one that has the latest technical equipment that can counter sophisticated criminals. These include radios for the guards, automated alarm response gadgets, and vehicles to help in coordinating an operation successfully.
An efficient security detail should also include armed guards. Banks, insurance companies, and other cash-handling institutions are usually a target of armed criminals especially when transporting large amounts of cash. Some people also keep money and other valuables in their houses and backyards thus might require licensed armed security at their premises. Besides, most insurance companies require adequate security for businesses before accepting to insure them.

A security company does not only protect but it must have the capacity to detect and prevent crime. It requires highly trained staffs that are adept in investigative work and understand the law. This would not only protect you from harm but also prevents legal problems by avoiding infringement on the rights of other people.

Services such as special guards who can act as undercover agents in malls, financial institutions, health care facilities, and schools do not come easily. Spying on high level operations is not a simple task too and calls for excellence. It also requires individuals with great integrity and expertise through experience in the police service. An efficient agency must, therefore, have a close working relationship with the state security apparatus so that when need arises, it can hire off duty police officers without inconveniencing the client with issues of insurance and other paperwork.

One of the best equipped and well organized agencies in Los Angeles is ABA Protection  http://www.abaprotection.com/ and Security Guard Service which provides both uniformed and plain clothe officers for executive and non-executive duties. An event that is thronged with multitudes and has prominent personalities such as business people and entertainers calls for executive protection. The company also provides guards who are not armed but are trained to handle situations that might get out of control anytime.

ABA Protection  http://www.abaprotection.com/ also offers patrol services in several districts of California, including Los Angeles County, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica and Malibu. The presence of an armed security guard on your street, the construction site, or at the gate is an assurance of safety to the community. Gated communities are armed with alarm response systems in case there are emergencies.

Since security concerns the society at large, ABA Protection has made a great effort in promoting positive social interaction, ethics, and friendly but efficient customer care as part of its mission to prevent crime. It becomes easy to resolve issues when people are willing to offer info because they consider the company as a friend. That is why the company is in charge of most of the commercial and private properties in Los Angeles.

The Missing Love - Get the Answers in 7 minutes

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- We all need love just like we need air, water, food, and money for sustenance. Don't we? In the absence of love in our existing environment, we become depressed and seek love in strange places and objects that offer love and peace to us. There seems to be lack of love between spouses, siblings, and other family members due to which tension and jealousy emerge from nowhere. Can we find the source of universal love? Can we nurture love in families and nations so that conflicts and wars do not occur frequently and for petty causes? Perhaps truth seekers may find answers through an ebook, "7 Minutes to Your Love" available for you at http://www.buymostwantedbooks.com/.

Since love is a pure entity and dwells inside every living creature, it is universal and has the same form. Some people call love as God, while others consider love as an emotion. Relationships grow in the presence of love; relationships get destroyed in the absence of love. It is sad when spouses separate and divorce each other due to the absence of love. Is there a way to nurture love between spouses who take oath for remaining in love forever?

It is a tragic incident when nations deadly fight with one another due to their inability to solve the differences amicably and diplomatically. The deadly use of weapons clearly shows the hatred i.e. absence of humanitarian love. Perhaps the ego of political leaders is so strong that it does not allow free passage of love, which alone can avert deadly wars.

Find more about love and its nature by reading the ebook, "7 Minutes to Your Love," which you can buy online from http://www.buymostwantedbooks.com/
. The ebook also has a special Foreword from Issac Tigrett, Founder Chairman of Hard Rock Cafe and Founder Chairman of House of Blues.

Love Yourself, Love Everybody, Love Unconditionally - By Sandeep Sinha

FutureCycle Press Publishes Dana Wildsmith's Christmas in Bethlehem

MURPHY, N.C. -- FutureCycle Press announces the publication of Christmas in Bethlehem, a chapbook of poems by SIBA nominee and GAYA winner Dana Wildsmith. This collection brings the reader back once more to Wildsmith’s family farm in Bethlehem, Georgia, a farm introduced through Wildsmith’s earlier poetry collection, One Good Hand, and her environmental memoir, Back to Abnormal.

There is a poem for each day of advent in this book, beginning with poems set in the biblical Bethlehem, and then moving in time and place to Wildsmith’s Christmases in Bethlehem, Georgia. (The photo on the cover is the author's home.) The book is appropriately rounded out by the musical score based on one of the poems in the book. Composed by F. Wm. (Bill) Sherrill, a performance of the work can be viewed on YouTube:


Wildsmith is the author of four collections of poetry and has recently completed a novel. She has served as Artist-in-Residence for Grand Canyon National Park, as Writer-in-Residence for the Island Institute in Sitka, Alaska, and is a Fellow of the Hanbidge Center for Creative Arts and Sciences. Wildsmith teaches English Literacy through Lanier Technical College.

Christmas in Bethlehem is now available in paperback from Amazon.com and through FutureCycle Press's website, www.futurecycle.org. A Kindle edition will be released later this year.

Do not ignore Sore throat in children

GREATER KAILASH, India -- In the ongoing dengue problem in Delhi, many respiratory viral infections are presenting with cough and nasal discharge. These patients do not require any antibiotic, said Padma Shri and Dr B C Roy National Awardee Dr K K Aggarwal, President Heart Care Foundation of India & MTNL Perfect Health Mela.

However, school children with any cough should not be ignored and a local family doctor should rule out bacterial sore throat, which if goes undetected, can cause rheumatic involvement of the valves of the heart, a condition called as rheumatic fever.

Such children invariably will have pain in throat while swallowing, red angry–looking tonsils and painful enlargement of lymph nodes at the angle of the mouth. Immediate antibiotics are needed to prevent future involvement of the heart.

Children also should not be given aspirin indiscriminately as it is known to be associated with fatal liver disease, in susceptible children.

The first attack of rheumatic fever is rare after the age of 35.

About HCFI: The only National Not for profit NGO, on whose mega community health education events, Govt. of India has released two National commemorative stamps and one cancellation stamp, and who has conducted one to one training on" Hands only CPR" of 63400 people since 1st November 2012.

The CPR 10 Mantra is – "within 10 minutes of death, earlier the better; at least for the next 10 minutes, longer the better; compress the centre of the chest of the dead person continuously and effectively with a speed of 10×10 i.e. 100 per minute."

Play Piano In An Hour: New Age Method Offers Instant Satisfaction

SAN DIEGO -- Who says you have to spend years in a conservatory in order to play the piano. Not pianist and online teacher Edward Weiss who says it's a lot easier to play piano by chords.

Weiss had developed a ‘new age’ approach to playing piano that, according to this eclectic teacher, can have anyone not only playing piano in less than an hour, but also create their own music.

When asked how he accomplishes this remarkable feat, Weiss comments:

“I have my students learn something called the ‘open position chord’ first. It’s a special chord structure that allows the complete beginner to play piano with both hands right away. Not only that, it’s a modern sounding chord structure. Most teachers start students off with triads. And while these are still used, they aren’t very modern sounding. My approach bypasses the antiquated classical method to get students improvising and creating on their own, usually, in under an hour.”

The piano lesson 'Summer Morning,' is one of over 150 that Mr. Weiss offers promising to teach students how to improvise and compose in the New Age style. Many techniques are taught says Weiss so students learn all there is to know on how to create their own unique piano pieces.

Weiss talks about the joy of music making...

“I think many adults want to be able to go to the piano, sit down, and just play what they feel. But there aren’t many (if any) courses or lessons that teach this. Once I could easily do it myself, I wanted to share this beautiful style of music with the world by teaching others how to do it as well.”

A complete New Age piano course, including a free workbook is currently being offered at http://www.Quiescencemusic.com/#offer

Septic sam Project Featuring Jim Abbott Releases Second Track on EP "Know By Now"

VANCOUVER, Canada -- Septic Sam Project featuring Jim Abbott of Mission, BC is releasing a new track. "Know By Now" from the Self titled EP. Check out the track and feel free to send feedback to info@septicsam.com (mailto:info@

The track is mid tempo country with a great new sound and catchy lyrics and riff. The track is released to country radio throughout Canada and about to release to Country stations worldwide. This is the follow up track to his initial release, "Make Her Mine. This is traditional country meets new country and a throw in of a touch of blue grass.

Jim Abbott has been playing to excited crowds throughout Western Canada for many years. He was the youngest artist ever to play the Pacific National Exhibition and had played countless fundraising events in addition to his regular tours.

Jim has played in may bands with some of rock and country music's biggest acts. Now he is excited to introduce the fans to his original music that is receiving rave reviews from all of the people enjoying his new tracks.

Listen to the NEW track at www.goingviralproductions.com and feel free to send your feedback. Buy the New Septic Sam tracks online at Amazon MP3 download service.

Request his new track on our local country station. If they do not have it in their playlist email info@septicsam.com and we will make sure they get it anywhere in the world.

Science-O-Rama's Willoughby and the Professor Host This Week's Waterlogg Radio Network

NAPANOCH, N.Y. -- This week, Joe Bev (who's full name is Bevilacqua) is hosting his podcasts as Willoughby and the Professor, characters he created when he was twelve years old in 1971.

Bev says, "It is in honor of "The Fly Room' director Alexis Gambis asking me to create our new Science-O-Rama videos, based on Popular Science magazine articles from the 1920s to 60s, presented every Monday by... Willoughby and the Professor!"

Listeners can enjoy all of WRN's programming, including past shows, free of charge all in one place anytime by visiting http://www.waterlogg.com.

Or by subscribing on iTunes:

JAZZ-O-RAMA: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id611001393
CARTOON CARNIVAL: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id624696898
COMEDY-O-RAMA: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id572142422
JOE BEV X: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id627773341

On this week's Waterlogg Radio Network:

The Jazz-O-Rama Hour

"Tiger Rag: Dixieland Originals"
1. Tiger Rag - The Original Dixieland Jass Band (1917)
2. Tiger Rag - Friar's Society Orchestra (1922)
3. Tiger Rag - Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra (1931)
4. Feelin' No Pain - Miff Mole and His Little Molers (1927)
5. New Orleans Stomp - Johnny Dodds and his Black Bottom Stompers (1927)
6. I'm Gonna Stomp Mr. Henry Lee - Eddie Condon (1929)
7. Bugle Call Rag - Billy Banks & His Orchestra (1923)
8. The Waffle Man's Call - Johnny Bayersdorffer and his Jazzola Novelty Orchestra (1924)
9. Papa's Got The Jim-Jams - Celestin's Original Tuxedo Jazz Orchestra (1927)
10. Piggly Wiggly - Beale Street Washboard Band (1929)
11. Wa-Da-Da (Ev'rybody's Doin' It Now)-  Bix Beiderbecke and His Gang (1928)
12. Ostrich Walk - The Original Dixieland Jass Band (1917)
13. Doo Doodle Oom - Fletcher Henderson and his Orchestra (1923)
14. Static Strut - Fletcher Henderson And The Dixie Stompers  (1926)

15. Who Stole the Lock (On the Hen House Door-) Jack Bland (1932)

Cartoon Carnival
"An Interview with June Foray and Bill Scott" part 3
June Foray and Bill Scott ("Rocky and Bullwinkle") talk with Bob Claster (1985) part three, Bill Scott, June Foray, Paul Frees and Walter Tetley in the first "Peabody and Sherman" (1959), a Bullwinkle "Cheerios" commercial (1964), "Lil Red Riding Who?" as told by Uncle Dunkle (2009), Huckleberry Hound (Daws Butler) sings "Bingo Ringo" (1965), part one of a rare Huckleberry Hound cartoon (1958), Roy Rogers sings "A Cowboy Needs a Horse," the premiere of "Tom Mix and the Mystery of the Bodiless Horseman" part one (2010), "Willoughby and the Professor Meet the Godfather" part three (1972), and "Bugs Bunny VS. the Tortoise" part one (1948) with Mel Blanc, Arthur Q. Bryan and Jimmy Weldon.

The Comedy-O-Rama Hour
"The Wedding of Ellis & Elise" part 2
Joe Bevilacqua, who is also known as Joe Bev, performs nearly half the characters on the show.  His wife and creative partner Lorie B. Kellogg also performs many characters on the show. Other characters are played by Kenny Savoy and Jim Folly, members of the Liquid Comedy troupe since 1979. Also on this week's show, "Wonderful Harp Music" by Pedro Pablo Sacristan, voiced by Lorie Kellogg, Joe Bev's parody of "The Shadow", and a new "Lum & Abner" (Donnie Pitchford).

The Joe Bev Experience
"Joe & Lorie's Healthy Living Special" part 2
In the two part audio documentary, husband and wife Joe Bevilacqua (Joe Bev) and Lorie Kellogg explore the rural byways within four miles of their home in the foothills of the Catskill Mountains of New York State, and find local business owners working to promote healthy lifestyles that have a national impact. This week:
   - A collage of water sounds recorded in the Catskills.
   - Joe & Lorie meet Oleh and Nadia Maczaj, and their children. They are the owners of Rusty Plough Farm, a small family farm, growing certified organic vegetables, flowers and berries, as well as eggs from our free-range hens. Rusty Plough Farm is located in Ellenville, Ulster County, NY, nestled between the Shawangunk Mountains and the Catskills.
   - More with Seldon Lublin, who has traveled the world, hitchhiked across the country, met Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg, and recently retired from his successful psychotherapy practice in New York City.

Review of 'A "Healthy Living" LABOR DAY SPECIAL' by David Swatling (Public Radio Exchange)
Engaging, Informational, Sound Rich - The gentle rural pace of this special filled me with nostalgia. I grew up just north of the Hudson Valley where husband/wife team Joe & Lorie talk to their friendly neighbors - some natives and some transplanted New Yorkers. But all have found their way to the joys of healthy eating/living. There's lots of fun sound - especially when a persistent rooster does some serious scene-stealing - and the tone is always casual. (in half-hour part 2) All in all, laid-back Labor Day fare that should entertain both relaxed rurals and edgy urbanites.

A new Science-O-Rama with Joe Bev every Monday at: http://www.imaginesciencefilms.org

Sound Stages Radio is airing two unique Joe Bev Audio Theater shows per week:
Tuesdays 8:30 am ET, repeat Wednesdays 2:30 pm ET and Fridays 1:30 pm Fridays, repeat Saturdays 5:00 pm, streamed at http://www.soundstagesradio.com.

Now available from Blackstone Audio at http://www.waterlogg.com:
The Whithering of Willoughby and the Professor: Their Ways in the Worlds - The Best of the Comedy-O-Rama Hour Season Three
by Joe Bevilacqua , Robert J. Cirasa
Narrated by Joe Bevilacqua, David Garland, Margaret Juntwait
Listening Length: 8 hours and 8 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Waterlogg Productions
Audible.com Release Date: June 13, 2011
Language: English

This is epic science-fiction fantasy comedy, in the Monty Python/Terry Gilliam vein, about a boy and his professor who travel willy-nilly across time and space in a failed attempt to ''cure the world of all its ills''. Produced, directed, and voiced by Joe Bevilacqua, with David Garland and Margaret Juntwait, written by Joe Bevilacqua and Robert J. Cirasa, theme music by David Garland, musical numbers written by Joe Bevilacqua, performed by the Paul Salomone Trio with Paul on piano, Ed Fuqua on bass, and Jim Mason on drums.

"Descendents of Laurel and Hardy and Holmes and Watson, among others, Willoughby and the Professor bring radio listeners along on a series of adventures, often in exotic lands and always in the more exotic land of the imagination. Judging from the hundreds of letters WNYC Radio has received about 'Willoughby,' a couple of characters who can go anywhere in the world while remaining inside the listener's radio and head is just the ticket." (David Hinckley, New York Daily News)

Science-O-Rama Episode One
Hatching House Flies for Profit:



2013-09-08 - Lost Knowledge of the Ancients, Afterlife Awareness and More Tonight on The 'X' Zone

HAMILTON, Canada -- Broadcast from the studios and broadcast centre of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, The ‘X’ Zone Radio/TV Show investigates the world of the paranormal and the science of parapsychology and today's show and past episodes can be heard at xzonepodcast.com and visit our main page at xzoneradiotv.com.

The 'X' Zone Radio Show hosted by Rob McConnell is the longest running professional broadcast radio show featuring the paranormal and parapsychology with the same host in broadcast history.

The 'X' Zone Radio/TV Show with Rob McConnell broadcast schedule for Sunday, September 8 2013 and this show is available at xzonepodcast.com Segment details are available at xzonearchives.com/
september2013.htm and the actual broadcasted interviews are available at xzonepodcast.com:

TERRI DANIEL - Afterlife Awareness - Terri Daniel is an author, spiritual teacher and Certified Transition Guide who works with assistance from the Other Side to advance a metaphysical perspective on birth, death and the afterlife. Her recent book, "A Swan In Heaven" is based on after-death dialogs between Terri and her son, who left the physical plane at age 16. Her new book, "Embracing Death: A New Look at Grief, Gratitude and God," examines cultural myths about the afterlife and offers a path to alternative perceptions via meditation, visualization and channeling.  More at xzonearchives.com/september2013.htm

CYNTHIA POLANSKY - Remote Control - Cynthia Polansky channels her inner rebel by writing across genres, much to the gratification of readers hungry for a change from the ubiquitous romances and mysteries. The award-winning author of historical novel (based on a true story) Far Above Rubies (2007 Martin & Lawrence Press) and paranormal "lit for the thinking chick" novel Remote Control (2008 Echelon Press), she is affiliated with the Maryland Writers Association, the Women's National Book Association, and the Dog Writers Association of America.  More at xzonearchives.com/september2013.htm

LINDA BACKES - A Radiant Life Center for Body, Mind & Spirit - Fifteen years ago, when faced with debilitating symptoms and invasive treatment, Linda took a sick leave from teaching high school and made a bold decision to reject traditional medicine. Instead, Linda turned to alternative treatments for healing. On pure faith, she embarked upon a journey which introduced her to the amazing power of homeopathy, cleansing, meditation, yoga and other natural modalities. Her own unique energy surfaced as a result of her healing, and when she was introduced to Reiki, Linda experienced a profound emotional and spiritual shift.  More at xzonearchives.com/september2013.htm

ROBERT LAMAR - Reality of the Paranormal - Theatre of the MIND presents a tremendous collection of truly fascinating, yet totally unrehearsed, performances by volunteer audience members under the guidance of Robert LAMAR. These volunteers become the stars of this expertly produced presentation that should not be confused with what many would consider traditional hypnosis. Throughout Theatre of the MIND, LAMAR invites his audience into a world where he encourages volunteers to enter a highly focused state of attention. Perhaps, for the first time in their lives, participants let their hidden creative personalities leap to their full potential as LAMAR masterfully taps into their unexplored creativity. More at xzonearchives.com/september2013.htm


GLEN KREISBERG - Lost Knowledge of the Ancients

LAIRD SCRANTON - Dogon Mythology

LEN KASTEN - UFO Researcher

FRANK JOSEPH - Maya Calendar Predictions for 2012


Topics and subjects of The 'X' Zone Radio/TV Show include: the occult, remote viewing, hauntings, shadow people, precognition, reincarnation, forbidden knowledge, conspiracy theories, UFOs, UFO crashes, alien abduction, psychic phenomena, near-death experience, angels, exorcism, end-time prophecies, shamanism, herbalism, mind over matter, psychic surgery, crystals, Atlantis, Kirlian photography, lost tribes and civilizations, 666: the Number of the Beast, 11:11 in numerology, fairies, PSI, ESP, astrology, Chinese astrology, sacred geometry, palmistry, time travel, cosmology, the Apocalypse, Nostradamus, dreams and dream interpretation, Tarot cards, Ouija boards, life after death, the Dead Sea scrolls, Wicca, the Michigan Triangle, the Bermuda Triangle, vile vortices, séances, spiritualists, the Dalai Lama, Raelians, paranormal hoaxes and frauds, zombies, past life regression, Electronic Voice Phenomena, crop circles, cryptozoology and science fiction literature, among many other paranormal and parapsychology subject matter.

For more information on becoming a broadcast affiliate or general questions or comments, please send an email to xzone@xzoneradiotv.com or call Toll Free - (800) 610-7035 Ext 0.

Dr. Ben Carson Explains His Ideas to Biz Coaching Veteran Terry Corbell

FEDERAL WAY, Wash. -- Dr. Ben Carson, who many Americans fervently hope will accept a draft to run in the 2016 presidential campaign, was candid in answering questions by Seattle business coach Terry Corbell.

“True to his persona on television news shows, Dr. Carson was open, soft-spoken and statesmanlike in answering several key questions,” says the Seattle business consultant. The interview was published at The Biz Coach, Proven Solutions for Maximum Profits (http://www.bizcoachinfo.com).

Dr. Carson is the retired neurosurgeon who rose to fame as a pioneer in pediatric neurosurgery and as a humanitarian. He’s also well known for powerful ideas about freedom and how to solve economic, education and Middle Eastern issues.

Dr. Carson, recipient of the 2008 Presidential Medal of Freedom award, is president of the Carson Scholars Fund. The nonprofit has given more than $5.7 million to more than 5,700 scholars.

Interview topics:

·  What it would take for Dr. Carson to jump into presidential politics, which he calls a “cesspool”

·  The federal government deficit

·  His success at the National Prayer Breakfast in upstaging President Obama on ethical leadership and the economy

·  The people who inspired him to become successful in overcoming a very difficult childhood

·  How he’s able to be so calm despite discussing difficult subjects that provoke anger in many voters and politicians

·  Solving education in America

·  Improving healthcare and ObamaCare

·  His philosophy in the raging debate over Syria’s tyrannical treatment of its people

As a former broadcast journalist, Mr. Corbell once covered major issues and political figures. He compares Dr. Carson with some of the nation’s leaders in the 1970s and 1980s.

See the questions and answers at http://www.bizcoachinfo.com/archives/17151.

Mr. Corbell is a longtime business-performance consultant. His complimentary business-coaching tips at The Biz Coach include: Planning, Operations, Marketing / Sales, Finance, Tech, Public Policy, Human Resources, and Wall Street.

You’ll also see free informative news videos with round-the-clock coverage from Reuters, Associated Press, and other top news organizations.

Video categories include: World, U.S., Business, Sci-Tech, Health, and Sports.

His profile is available here: http://www.bizcoachinfo.com/bio-of-terry-corbell.

Medical Files Xray Shredding Service in Boston MA

LOWELL, Mass. -- Neighborhood Parcel offers Medical Files and Xray Shredding service Focus, it provides off-site medical file shredding service throughout the Boston, MA and Nashua, NH Metro Areas.

Medical Files Shredding service you can trust! Medical practice managers concerned about HIPAA compliance, retain TrueShred to securely destroy patient records and shred other sensitive information.

Medical practice managers concerned about HIPAA (Health Insurance Portablility Accountability Act) compliance retain Neighborhood Parcel (http://mypapershredding.com) to properly destroy patient records and shred other sensitive information.” Practice managers converting to EMR "frequently engage our company following the scanning of their medical records,

Patient Health Information (PHI) destruction is an essential part of HIPAA compliance. To be compliant with HIPAA requires that all forms of PHI are truly obliterated. The most convenient and effective way of being HIPAA compliant is to shred all paper containing PHI. Neighborhood Parcel then provides a Notarized Certificate of Destruction for the HIPAA audit trail.

About Our Medical Shredding Service:

Neighborhood Parcel is a BNBA A+ Certified, off-site document destruction company headquartered in Lowell, MA. As a local family-owned and operated business, its reputation is built on friendly, reliable service and straight-forward, honest flat rates pricing. Its shredding trucks provide service to areas in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine Clients include medical, legal, financial, commercial, government, and residential customers. With roots in the security industry, the principals at Neighborhood Parcel ensure Shredding you can trust. The company's biggest Assets is its client's trust.

For more information please call (978) 636-0301 or visit us on the web at http://www.mydocumentshredding.com

HipLogiq’s SocialCompass Software Evolves Into “Core Technology” for Advertisers and Marketers

Dallas (Sept. 4, 2013) – Early adopters of HipLogiq’s SocialCompass (http://www.socialcompass.net/)
White Label software believe they carry a sophisticated tool that gives them the ability to engage and influence their clients’ customers on Twitter. They claim it goes beyond existing tools like Hubspot and Salesforce Marketing Cloud to wrap many apps into one to find, engage and convert customers, track results, and bolster brand loyalty.

“People are always looking for the next big thing, and SocialCompass is it,” says Adam Ulevitch, president of AnIdea. “Ten years ago we were looking at customer relationship management (CRM) solutions. Then it was social media. SocialCompass is the evolution of social media, turning a retention tool into an acquisition tool.”

The power behind that shift is SocialCompass’ patented Engagement EngineTM that searches Twitter and looks for relevant tweets based on a client’s keywords, location and target audience. When SocialCompass finds a relevant tweet, it’s flagged on a dashboard so the agency can respond in real time with an offer – 20 percent off, free product or BOGO, for example – to turn a potential client into a customer. This is called a location-based conversation (LBC). The conversion rate averages 25 percent, but some clients have found rates as high as 85 percent. Beyond the single sale, the customer who received the original offer receives another offer a day or two later for them to share with their friends. Then those friends share the offer with their friends and the cycle continues.

“It’s an exponential return on the dollar,” says Ulevitch, who recommends SocialCompass campaigns for its B2C and B2B clients including a national pizza delivery company.

“Imagine the power of knowing exactly what a potential customer is looking for the moment he or she is looking for it,” says Adam Root, CTO and co-founder of HipLogiq (http://www.hiplogiq.com/).

SocialCompass allows me to engage consumers at the height of the consideration cycle when they are about to make a purchase decision,” Ulevitch says. “I can measure the results in real time, too, and get information to my clients immediately. This is core technology for advertisers and marketers.”

Case study: Pizza delivery franchise hits 52 percent conversion rate

Agencies live or die by the numbers.Clients want to see results for their investment. SocialCompass’ reporting tool – which can be customized to an agency’s brand – is 100 percent real-time and transparent so marketers and their clients can make real-time decisions.

At any given time, Ulevitch knows exactly what kind of success rates his clients experience. One is a local pizza delivery franchise that launched its SocialCompass campaign in December 2012:

52 percent conversion rate: In one local market, the company has had nearly 3,000 LBCs with more than 1,500 prospects downloading offers. This allows the pizza company to reach potential customers they were missing before through traditional advertising and marketing.

Expanded reach: The prospects SocialCompass delivered expanded the company’s reach to more than 50,000 users on Twitter through retweets and shared offers.

Key word examples: love pizza, need something sweet, ordering pizza, want breadsticks, want some pizza, want wings, craving breadsticks

eContent integration: In addition to LBCs, the pizza company also produces blogs and eBooks to attract new customers with custom content related to the business’ products and services. Within that content there are links to current offers and promotions. Since the pizza campaign launched, the company has seen a 35 percent conversion rate from visitors downloading a coupon from the blog.

Although admittedly it’s not an apples-to-apples comparison, there are some parallels to search engine marketing (SEM), says Ulevitch. “When I spend money on paid ads, the search engine looks for key words and presents a brief ad message with a link to a website,” he says.

“But the comparison ends there. When SocialCompass finds the tweet with your key words, you go beyond a passive invitation to a website. You get to create a conversation and engage in a dialog with the potential customer. We talk to them and present an offer—that’s active, intent-based marketing, and it’s where advertisers and marketers need to evolve.”

About HipLogiq

began in October 2012 as Social Compass, an enterprise solution for social media marketing, now with a White Label solution for companies and agencies that want to brand the tool. Co-founders Adam Root, Lindsey Madison and Bernard Perrine designed the patented technology to help companies target and engage customers over social media in a meaningful, results-driven way. SocialCentiv – launched in March 2013 – works similarly for small to medium businesses, but with a web-based, do-it-yourself solution. During the design of SocialCentiv, leadership decided it was time to evolve the company into an idea factory that produces the most innovative, successful applications in their market space. As a result, HipLogiq also launched in March 2013 and received $5M in series A funding shortly after. For more information, go to www.hiplogiq.com or visit them on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HipLogiq) or Twitter (https://twitter.com/HipLogiq).

For more information, contact Karen Carrera, karen@trizcom.com, 972-207-1935 or on Twitter, @kjcarrera.

Parker Consulting Introduces Growth Hacking to Small Businesses

Parker Consulting (http://www.rparkerconsulting.net)
is now providing a new form of marketing and public relations services to small businesses, entrepreneurs, and start-ups who are seeking significant growth in their market share. Marketing and public relations has changed over the last few years and the old ways of slapping an ad in the newspaper, dishing out a huge expense for a color ad in the yellow pages, or expecting "drive time" radio ads to produce results is a thing of the past.  Marketing a public relations for the small business, start-up or microenterprise owner must be measurable, affordable and create results. This is where the philosophy of growth hacking for small businesses and start-up businesses comes into play.

Marketing for the small business owner has been redefined over the last few years and those who do not change to the new ways of reaching their customers will be left behind.  "Growth hacking" is a new marketing philosophy developed by the tech industry in which a full understanding of the business's customers and applying marketing strategies to reach these specific key users provides a more efficient marketing model. Market research is applied to the entire business model to ensure a proper product fit. A unique marketing effort is then created designed specific to the individual business that will reach the ideal customers in order to create a viral effect resulting in a very significant growth of the business.

In today's economy, small business owners simply cannot afford to throw marketing dollars at a wall in hopes that fifty percent of their budget will actually bring in new customers.  However, with analyzing the market with measurable "growth hacking" marketing tactics and continuously monitoring and revising this strategy to ensure success, the return on the business owner's investment is much, much greater.

Parker Consulting (http://www.rparkerconsulting.net) provides marketing, public relations, and business coaching to small businesses through affordable project based services to suit the budget needs of even the smallest of small businesses.

For more information, please contact Parker Consulting at 1-515-984-0443, Skype:parkerconsulting or e-mail Rob Parker at rob@rparkerconsulting.net

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)

John Payton & Lucy Magee for Popular Productions Ltd present:

Matt Addis, Peter Brooke & John Payton in the International smash hit comedy 2013 UAE TOUR

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)

By Adam Long, Daniel Singer & Jess Winfield

Directed by John Payton

Produced by John Payton & Lucy Magee for Popular Productions Ltd



Wednesday 21st November – Tuesday 26th November 2013



Thursday 28th December – Friday 29th December 2013

In association with 7 Days and sponsored by Radio 2 (official radio station), Expatwoman (Official online partner), Dubai Night Planner and Connector Publishing.

Due to popular demand – this fantastic comedy returns for a UAE tour after its sell out seasons in 2006, 2007 and 2009. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) is an irreverent fast-paced romp through the Bard’s plays, which has played to millions around the world. The world’s greatest bard-busters bring madness and mayhem in bucketfuls with them. Now revised for 2013 with extra Shakespeary bits and all new (still rubbish) gags!

Get ready for a fast, furious and frenetic 97 minutes featuring every one of Shakespeare’
s 37 plays like you’ve never seen them before. Including Othello as a Rap song, Titus Andronicus presented as a cooking show and The Histories turned into an American football game – it’s Shakespeare that would make the great man turn in his grave – with a grin on his face!

London’s longest running comedy comes to Dubai and Abu Dhabi for a strictly limited season of performances. Starring the brilliant Matt Addis, Peter Brooke and John Payton (who also directs), Shakespeare has never been so accessible before. Sit through Hamlet for four hours? No need – catch it performed backwards in half a minute!

This hilarious show runs at the Madinat Theatre, Souk Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai from 21st to 26th November 2013 and at the Al Jaheli Theatre, AFOC, Abu Dhabi from 28th to 29th November 2013. It is presented by arrangement with Josef Weinberger Ltd.

Please see the official show website www.completeshakespeare.co.uk for more information.


‘Outstanding from start to finish… fast, furious and never less than frenetic, somewhere Shakespeare is chuckling’ TIMEOUT

‘Comic Madness…a raucous extravaganza…a triumph!’ GULF NEWS

‘Hilariously condensing the entire works of Britain’s greatest writer into an hour and a half, this breakneck, clever show never fails to engage’ TIMEOUT DUBAI

‘Snappy, slick and utterly entertaining’ SUNDAY EXPRESS




Thursday 21st – Tuesday 26th November 2013

Madinat Theatre, Souk Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai

21st - 26th November at 8pm nightly
24th and 25th November at 11am

Book online at www.completeshakespeare.co.uk or in person at the theatre box office at Souk Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai.

Ticket Prices:
AED160  and AED 200


Thursday 28th – Friday 29th November 2013

The Al Jaheli Theatre, Armed Forces and Officers Club, Abu Dhabi

28th November at 11am and 8pm
29th November at 8pm

Book online at www.completeshakespeare.co.uk

Ticket Prices:

Standard: AED160
Front row VIP: AED 200


Schools/Colleges group bookings available on request to groups@completeshakespeare.co.uk



Samsung Electronics Received 5 EISA Awards

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd, a global leader in digital media and digital convergence technologies, announced that the European Imaging and Sound Association (EISA) has awarded the company five prestigious awards in the following categories: European SMART TV 2013-2014, European Compact System Camera 2013-2014, European Photo Innovation 2013-2014, European Social Media Phone 2013-2014 and European Green Smartphone 2013-2014.

The products awarded this year are the Samsung UE55F8000 televisions, the Samsung NX300 and the Samsung GALAXY NX cameras, the Samsung GALAXY S4 (GT-I 19505), and the Samsung GALAXY S4 mini, all of which received recognition from the judging panel for their innovative features and impressive design.

“At Samsung we strive to lead on innovation and are relentless in making new discoveries designed to enhance consumers’ lives,” said SP Kim, President and CEO of Samsung Electronics Europe. “To receive five EISA awards from such an illustrious panel of judges really reaffirms to us that we are succeeding in creating market leading products that are truly enriching consumers’ lives.”

The EISA Awards recognise products that demonstrate an impeccable amalgamation of innovative technology, sleek design and desirable features. The EISA Awards panel of judges comprises editors from 50 consumer electronics magazines across 19 European countries. They highlighted the following reasons for why the winning products were chosen:

EUROPEAN SMART TV 2013-2014- Samsung UE55F8000/F8080/F8090/F8005

·         The integrated camera helps you to control the TV via gestures, while you can still choose from wide variety of control options: through the voice recognition, a touchpad remote, smartphone or tablet

·         You can choose from a huge selection of apps or movies and shows suggested by the innovative 'S Recommendation 'System

·         The revamped Smart Hub – driven by quad-core processing – is smooth and fast, making it simple to explore the UE55F8000’s many features

EISA judges noted that the UE55F8000 television is “more than just a TV – it’s a versatile home entertainment hub that gives you access to a wide range of media, be it your own or from on-demand services.”


·          Discover amazing detail with 20.3MP APS-C sensor Discover amazing detail with 20.3MP APS-C sensor Discover amazing detail with 20.3MP APS-C sensorThe NX300 is compact, fast, innovative and with superb picture quality

·          It offers a high-resolution APS-C CMOS sensor with 20.3 megapixels as well as a hybrid autofocus system and a crisp 3.3-inch AMOLED screen with a tilt touch panel

·          With a top frame rate of 8.6fps and a maximum 1/6000sec shutter speed, the NX300 is impressively fast enabling you to capture perfect images

·          The NX300 has a built-in dual-band Wi-Fi and Near- Field-Communication (NFC) connectivity that is simple to use, the camera is ready for wireless connection to a mobile phone, tablet, PC or (smart) TV allowing images can be quickly shared with friends and family

The EISA judges stated that the Samsung NX300 “meets and beats the expectations of CSC users in many ways while opening the door for a new generation of connected cameras.”


·         The GALAXY NX is an advanced system camera that has been combined with a modern interactive 4.8-inch HD LCD to enable connected photography

·         Real integration of high quality digital photography, mobile editing and full-time connectivity is assured through its interchangeable lens system and its use of the Android 4.2.2 operating system

The EISA judges were impressed with the Samsung GALAXY NX stating that “no manufacturer has done more than Samsung in the quest for making cameras that allow the photographer to communicate with the outside world.”


·         With a 4.3” qHD Super AMOLED display, 107g light weight and compact design, it is easy to carry and operate with one hand

·         Though compact, the GALAXY S4 mini boasts powerful performance, equipped with a 1.7GHz dual core processor that allows users to quickly and easily perform data intensive tasks

·         With social applications on board including Group Play, ChatON or S Health, you are never be out of touch

EISA judges said that “small is beautiful and the GALAXY S4 mini underlines this more than ever”. They called the GALAXY S4 mini “the complete package.”

EUROPEAN GREEN SMART PHONE 2013-2014 - Samsung GALAXY S4 (GT-I 9505)

·         GALAXY S4 shows it is possible to produce a large screen smartphone with minimal environmental burden

·         It has a particularly low power consumption and a removable battery, which are positive for both the environment and also convenient for the user

The EISA judges were impressed with the smartphone stating that “the GALAXY S4 outperforms the competition through its limited use of precious metals and toxic materials.”

For more information about the 2013/ 2014 EISA Awards, visithttp://www.eisa.eu

Saint Monica University Appoints New Director of Library Services

BUEA, Cameroon -- Saint Monica University (SMU): The American International University today announced that it has appointed Mr. John Achakeng Nkemka as the Director of Library Services. The new director comes to SMU from the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation (MINRESI) in Yaounde, Cameroon.

“As a well trained, proactive, and experienced librarian, Mr. Nkemka will work collaboratively across the university to develop a compelling vision for how the library can contribute to enhanced teaching and learning through a shared vision of library services,” said Professor Januarius Jingwa (JJ) Asongu, President and Chief Executive Officer of SMU. “In selecting him, SMU was seeking a creative, innovative, collaborative, visionary leader for the Library who will oversee the vibrant learning environment and will supervise and manage all aspects of our operations. The Director will be politically astute working as a strategic partner with various administrators and faculty leaders across campus; and will also participate in outreach, marketing and collaboration across campus and in local, regional, and professional organizations and conferences.”

“I am excited to join the very talented team of staff and faculty at SMU and I promise to immediately apply my experience in managing the on-ground and on-line library resources at the University,” said Mr. John Achakeng Nkemka, Director of Library Services at SMU. “I will model the University Mission through dedicated job performance, service excellence to constituencies, respectful collaboration, and active support of the University's Christian Mission. I will provide leadership for the development and implementation of a new vision of the Library that enhances the quality of the library's programs and services, leads the library in its transformation for 21st century, supports the University's mission and vision in teaching, learning, scholarship, service, and campus/community engagement.”

As Director of Library Services, Mr. Nkemka will manage library facilities and resources promoting stewardship and increasing the effective achievement of library and university goals. He is also expected to propose and administer library budget according to university policy and procedures; explore and procure additional funding sources; work effectively with college deans and college faculty in the support of academic programs; develop and supervise liaison programs with academic units and programs; provide leadership for the Library Advisory Committee; and foster information literacy through innovative delivery of library and information services to diverse constituents. The Director is expected to network with other libraries, librarians, organizations to keep current with library and information literacy standards and practices, and represent the university in the community.

Prior to SMU, Mr. Nkemka has been the Head of Scientific and Technological Poles and Parks Development Unit at MINRESI since 2009. From 2005 to 2009, he served as Chief of Center for Documentation and Archives; and before that he was the Research Officer (2003-2004) at the same Ministry. Before moving to MINRESI, he had served as a Senior Librarian from 1990-2002 at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Yaounde, and between 1984-1987 he was an Administrative Staff at the Institute of Human Sciences, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Yaounde, Cameroon.

Mr. Nkemka is a well read and versatile leader with the following academic credentials – Master in Library Studies (MLS) from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria; and Maitrice in Public Law and Bachelor of Law degree (LLB) from the University of Yaounde, Cameroon. Prior to that, he earned his General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level from the Cameroon College of Arts, Science, and Technology (CCAST), Bambili; and the GCE Ordinary from Bishop Rogan College, Buea, Cameroon. He also holds a Certificate in Management of Information in Science and Technology from Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium; and another Certificate in Information Retrieval in Internet-Based Services from the Center for International Cooperation, Mashan, Israel.

About Saint Monica University: The American International University

Saint Monica University (SMU) is an American-style private Christian institution, offering programs that are at the intersection of the liberal arts, science and technology. It is dedicated to providing educational opportunities for the intellectual, social, entrepreneurial and professional development of a diverse student population. SMU is focused on the student experience and helping our students achieve their educational and career goals, and contributing to a more sustainable society.  We offer various bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees through the School of Arts & Education (SAE), School of Business & Public Policy (SBPP), School of Health & Human Services (SHHS), and School of Science, Engineering & Technology (SSET). SMU is a fully accredited institution in Cameroon by the National Commission for Private Higher Education at the Ministry of Higher Education. For more information about SMU, visit our website: http://www.stmonicauniversity.com or write to us at admissions@stmonicauniversity.com.

Umniah hands the Chevrolet Camaro to the winner of its latest Summer Campaign

Umniah has recently concluded this year’s summer campaign under the name “Everyone Is a Winner” which opened the opportunity for many participants to winvaluable prizes from Umniah, including the grand prize of a Chevrolet Camaro. The annually held campaign is part of Umniah’s attempts to strengthen communications with its customers.

At the campaign’s final ceremony, Umniah representatives distributed several valuable prizes for the participants, including the Grandprize winner of theChevrolet Camaro to Ms.Afaf Omran Omar. The campaignthat took place for almost two monthscame to reaffirmUmniah’
s position as Jordan’s number one telecommunication provider, maintaining high standards of service.

Omar Al Omoush, Umniah’s Director of Marketing, commented on the occasion saying, “We are pleased to see such remarkable success made in this year’s initiative as it attracted a hefty number of participants. Umniah will continue to move forward with similar campaigns in order to uphold our customer relations and be more engagedwith the community.”

Mr. Al Omoush went on to say, “’Everyone Is a Winner’ further aims to increase Umniah’s local influence for its services and help us express our appreciation to all subscribers within the competitive market.”

Aside from the first-place prize of a Chevrolet Camaro, a wide array of additional gifts were awarded to other winners including gas vouchers, TAJ Mall shopping vouchers, Al Jazeera sports subscriptions, OSN subscriptions,Cinema tickets, in addition to other gifts from Umniah that consisted of SMS and 3G internet packages, free minutes and other discounts.

Armed Forces Entertainment Ambassador George Wallace Brings Clean Comedy Shows To The Troops

LAS VEGAS -- In an effort to bring even more laughter to the men and women serving in the Armed Forces around the world, Armed Forces Entertainment has launched a new Clean Celebrity Comedy Series produced by Don Barnhart Entertainment.

The goal of the celebrity series it to boost the morale and welfare of those service personnel stationed away from home by bringing in recognizable acts to both entertain and spend time meeting with the troops.   Launching the world tour is comedy legend George Wallace who will be taking time off from his long running show in Las Vegas to bring some laughter to the troops.

Wallace is the new ambassador for Armed Forces Entertainment.  “I can’t wait to get over there and meet the men and women serving our country”, said Wallace in a recent phone interview.  "I'm truly honored at being invited to be a part of this great organization".  He even turned down an appearance on the Tonight Show as he alreeady committed to a world tour for the troops.


Most notably, Wallace has been seen on The Tonight Show, The View and appeared in such movies The Wash with Snoop Dog and Dr. Dre, The Lady Killers with Tom Hanks, and Little Nicki with Adam Sandler.  Comedy Central named him one of the 100 Greatest Comics of All Time and he just received BET’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

Since opening his show in Las Vegas 10 years ago, George has become the new Mr. Las Vegas and is now being referred to as the new Bob Hope as he has several more comedy tours scheduled with stops in Europe, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Japan, Korea and more.

The show also stars award-winning comedian Don Barnhart.  Don also serves as the tour’s producer and manager.  Barnhart himself has been performing, producing and consulting comedy shows for the military since 1992 and when he’s not on tour for the troops, Don can be seen headlining the top Comedy Clubs on the Las Vegas strip as well as being a favorite act at the clubs across the country, cruise ships, colleges and corporate events.

Don is also one of the top comedy consultants in the country working with up and coming as well as established comedians, comedy clubs and corporations.  He stars in the new documentary on comedy called, Finding The Funny featuring Brad Garrett and Louie Anderson and he is a frequent guest on the Bob & Tom Show.

Clip of Don Barnhart

Barnhart’s reputation for producing great comedy shows first started when he was the house emcee, manager and talent coordinator at the world famous Comedy & Magic Club in Hermosa Beach, CA where he worked with and learned from such notable acts as Jerry Seinfeld, Jay Leno, Robin Williams, Jim Carey, Dennis Miller and more.

Armed Forces Entertainment prefers to book TV clean wholesome entertainment that appeals to every demographic and generation which is why they contacted Don Barnhart Entertainment to bring in such high caliber comedians that appeal to their target audience like George Wallace.  The response has already exceeded everyone’s expectations.

The shows are always free for the men and women serving in the Armed Forces and are underwritten by Armed Forces Entertainment.  “Barnhart has always produced high quality, wholesome clean shows for the military and it's because of this that we reached out to him to help heighten our brand”, said an Armed Forces Entertainment spokesperson.

Don Barnhart’s Clean Comedy Celebrity Series starring George Wallace have been sold out months in advanced with venues of 500 having to turn people and already requesting a return booking to accommodate those that couldn’t get in.

“One of the things I emphasize when I consult and teach comedy is that if you work clean, you can work everywhere but if you work dirty, the venues are limited.  Dirty jokes are like jalapenos”, said Barnhart.   “Most people don’t mind one or two but nobody wants a jalapeno milkshake.  There is a time and place for risqué material but this is not it as Armed Forces Entertainment requires the acts to be TV clean or family friendly.”

Wallace and Barnhart just finished the first two performances to standing ovations and audience members waited in line for almost two hours after the show to take photos with and get autographs from the comedians.

“We’ll stay and sign autographs as long as the audience wants”, said Wallace.  “These men and women put their life on the line for us so it’s the least we can do to give some of our time back to them.”

Barnhart added, “Comedy is the great equalizer and it brings people together releasing both stress and tension.  Serving in the military during times of conflict can be one of the most difficult experiences a person can face so to bring them some laughter and a touch of home can make a huge impact on their morale.  We want to entertain them and take their mind off their current situation and let them escape for awhile.”

For more information or to set up interviews, please contact Don Barnhart Entertainment at www.DonBarnhart.com

eReplacementParts.com Honors General Electric Co.’s History, Contributions With Infographic

WEST JORDAN, Utah -- General Electric Co. (GE) is one of the largest, oldest and most recognizable brands in the world. From wind turbines to appliances, GE has a rich, diverse history many people are unfamiliar with. eReplacementParts.com, a company specializing providing original equipment manufacturer repair parts and tutorials, has released an infographic in honor of GE, celebrating the company’s many contributions to the world.

“GE is one of the most admiral companies around today,” said David Fairbanks, CEO of eReplacementParts.com. “The things they have accomplished throughout the years are truly amazing.”

According to the infographic, GE was founded by Thomas Edison in 1878 as The Electric Light Company. One of its first innovations was the electric range, known as The Hot Spot, in 1910.

Since then, GE has branched into a variety of industries, including wind turbines, water purification technologies, locomotives, airplanes, healthcare, finance and more.

The company is the number one manufacturer of wind turbines in the United States, and its water purification technology purifies enough water to satisfy 39 million people.

Wind turbines and water purification are not the only positive environmental impact the company has made. GE Evolution locomotives save so much fuel; it is comparable to taking 43,000 cars off U.S. roads.

Hospitals have also benefitted from GE’s many innovations. GE Healthcare technology helps doctors save nearly 3,000 lives every day.

Finally, travel is safer because of GE Security. Besides airports, The Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty are just two of the many popular tourist destinations utilizing the company’s detection systems.

“At eReplacementParts.com, I’m proud to say we carry 17,841 different GE appliance parts,” said Fairbanks. “Their products are amazing, and the parts we sell will help consumers keep their GE products working for many years to come.”

GE household appliance repair parts can be found by visiting http://www.ereplacementparts.com/ge-parts-c-174222.html.

To view the full-size GE infographic, please visit http://www.ereplacementparts.com/blog/general-electric/.

About eReplacementParts.com

Since 2003, eReplacementParts.com has provided the DIY community with quality service and replacement parts for power tools, lawn and garden equipment, appliances and more. Based in Salt Lake City, eReplacementParts.com has saved its customers time and money through its extensive repair tutorials and is one of the most visited replacement part websites in the United States. For more information, visit www.ereplacementparts.com.

High Eden Home Of World's Top Riesling

Boutique Eden Valley estate, Gatt Wines has attained top honours at the world’s foremost international wine competition.

2008 Eden Springs High Eden Riesling was awarded the international trophy for best in show riesling over £15 at the Decanter World Wine Awards in London last night.

The prestigious international trophy is a big win for Australia. The winning wine outshone an outstanding competitive field from classic regions including Alsace, Rheingau and the Wachau. It places the spotlight on Eden Valley as a home of truly iconic riesling, standing proud among the world’s best.

Estate owner, Mr Ray Gatt accepted the trophy at a gala dinner in the Royal Opera House at Covent Garden, saying

‘We are honoured to accept this award. It represents a great achievement for Eden Valley and underscores our belief in High Eden riesling from the original Eden Springs Vineyard.’

2008 Eden Springs High Eden Riesling is a wine of exceptional pedigree. Born of a classic vintage, the single vineyard wine hails from old estate vines dating back to 1972.

A record of stellar performance at international competitions includes an incredible eight trophies, over 30 gold and double gold medals to date. This latest trophy makes a matching pair for the wine that also took the international riesling trophy at the first Decanter Asia Wine Awards last year.

According to Gatt winemaker David Norman, the secret lies in High Eden terroir.

“Riesling from this patch of earth has a mineral quality with amazing power and longevity,” he says.

At altitudes over 500m, the breathtaking heights of Eden Valley are the crown atop Barossa. Long, cool seasons in the beautiful high country produce exceptional wines with characteristic minerality and natural acid drive.

Decanter is the world’s leading wine competition. Headed by chairman Stephen Spurrier, the Decanter World Wine Awards are conferred by an international judging team comprised of the world’s finest palates. They include masters of wine, journalists, buyers and world's best sommeliers such as Paolo Basso, Gerard Basset MW MS and Andreas Larsson.

In a record year, 14,362 entries from around the globe competed for the coveted awards. Just 32 wines attained the highest accolade to win an international trophy.

For the first time this year, Decanter has published a special awards edition of the magazine, now on sale in newsagents and online app stores. Full award details can be found at decanter.com

Gatt wines are available winery direct and via selected fine wine retailers and restaurants.

Visit gattwines.com


2008 Eden Springs High Eden Riesling

A superb wine of hallmark elegance and typicity. Scented floral perfume of linden blossom, lemon and talc. The palate is brimming with charming lemon and Kaffir lime character. Crisp, dry and fruitful with gentle natural acidity and steely mineral undertones. Great length and longevity from a classic vintage. Long term cellaring will reveal the renowned toasty characters of aged Eden Valley Riesling.

Recommended retail AUD $25


2008 Eden Springs High Eden Riesling

Trophy  2013 Decanter World Wine Awards     - Best International Riesling over £15

Trophy  2013 Decanter World Wine Awards     - Best Australian Riesling over £15

Trophy  2013 International Wine Challenge      - Best Eden Valley Riesling

Trophy  2012 Decanter Asia Wine Awards        - Best International Riesling

Trophy  2012 Decanter Asia Wine Awards        - Best Australian Riesling

Trophy  2012 Barossa Wine Show          - Best Dry White Riesling 1YO & older

Trophy  2012 Japan Wine Challenge          - Best New World White Wine

Trophy  2012 Japan Wine Challenge          - Best Australian Wine

Plus over 30 gold and double gold medals

Campsie Rotary Club Supports Award-Winning Child Program

SYDNEY, Australia -- Last week, Tresillian Family Care Centres were honoured during “Child Protection Week” when their Period of Purple Crying project won one of five National “Play Your Part Awards” from the National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN).

Last year, the Rotary Club of Campsie, under the then President Bill Angelis, provided  $16,000 for the purchase of materials for full implementation of this important program following a successful pilot in 2010.

Rotary Assistant Governor Dr Helen Jagger said the progran will now reach every household with a newborn across the Canterbury local government area for the next few years and include further evaluation of the delivery methods.

Tresillian and Rotary were congratulated at the Sydney awards event which was attended by official guests including member for Canterbury Linda Burney, Australia’s first Children’s Commissioner Megan Mitchell and several representatives and program supporters from Tresillian and Rotary.

The Period of Purple Crying resource packs for parents and carers include a clear and well written booklet and educational DVD, available in many community languages.

Dr Helen Jagger said the program positively approaches the subject of normal infant crying, sharing this education in a safe, effective and compassionate manner. The DVD and booklet provides parents and carers with an understanding of normal infant crying, strategies to soothe their infant and helpful and supportive tips on how to cope with the stress of prolonged crying.

Helen Jagger said this first for Australia is a great example of an effective partnership that has potential to become a mainstream primary prevention public health practice involving Tresillian, Canterbury Hospital, the community Child and Family Nursing team, Rotary and in future, local GP’s.